Call or Text: 576-541-2074


Please Read:

This document has been prepared to help out individuals purchasing TEACUP dogs. We encourage you to read this entire document so that you are completely prepared for your new puppy. Many of these small dogs tend to become stressed out due to the flight and the transition from one home to the next. As a result, the puppy can leave our facility in great health, but due to the stress resulting from the change of atmosphere, their health can deteriorate. Listed below are the most common things that can happen:

  1. On any puppies less than 3lbs, we recommend NOT getting any puppy vaccinations until they have adjusted to the new atmosphere and are eating well. Please, DO NOT VACCINATE the puppy until at least 2 weeks after arrival!
  2. LOW BLOOD SUGAR can develop: ALL puppies are eating Vi-Nutra puppy food for small breed dogs before they fly out, additionally, they must have a 100% solid stool to qualify for shipping. Most of the time, due to the stress of the move, the puppies will not eat the hard food so you must have the following items to help them "start their engine." Try the following items in the order listed below. If the dog goes more than six hours after arrival without eating, you will need to take it to the vet to have a sugar IV, which is very expensive, so please spend the $20 to purchase the items listed below! Also it is a good idea to purchase NUTRICAL, it is a calorie substitute that also boosts sugar. 
    • Caesars Pink label puppy food
    • Danon Activia Yogurt
    • Nutri-Cal
    • Rotisserie chicken

In conclusion please let the dog rest. The dog will most likely get excited and run around and seem healthy as can be the first day, but they forget to eat when they are so excited. Usually day two is when they crash and that is when you are in trouble. Once they are eating well and seem to be adjusted, you can take them out and show them to all your friends, but PLEASE LET THEM GET ADJUSTED before you do anything crazy with them. If you have children, try and keep them away from the pup until it is well adjusted to the new atmosphere!